Not sure if you want to DIY your wedding flowers? Here are some questions to ask yourself before committing:


Do I feel comfortable working with flowers?

If the answer is no, is there someone that I can COUNT on who is willing to design the flowers and feels comfortable doing so?

Do I (or someone I appoint) have at least 4-5 hours the day or two before the wedding to work on making the floral arrangements?

Do I (or someone I appoint) want to travel to pick up my flowers a day or two before the wedding? (We recommend picking up bulk flowers 2-3 days before the wedding so that you have time to design with them). Pick-up is in Brockport, NY.

Do I have a good place (chilled dark place away from pets) to store the flowers between pick-up and the wedding?

Do I have a good workspace with plenty of room and a big sink to use while working with the flowers?

Do I have a very specific idea of a highly stylized floral design in mind, or will I be okay with whatever happens at the last minute?

Do I have someone I trust who will set up all the centerpieces and other flower decorations the morning of the wedding when I need to be getting dressed and ready?

Do I feel like gathering all the vases and other containers myself, and do I know what I'll do with them afterward? (Giving away the flower-filled vases at the end of the night makes for a great thank you gift!)

Do I want to buy all the necessary supplies to make the more intricate wedding party flowers (boutonnieres, bouquets, corsages, etc), or do I want to hire a florist to do those while I handle all the other flower decorations?

Do I have someone who can help clean up and take away all the flowers/decor after the wedding is done?

We ask you to think about these questions because we CARE about your experience. We have found that those who have not worked with flowers don't quite realize how much work is involved until after the fact.  While our job is to only provide you with the freshest, most naturally beautiful blooms around, we don't want you to be in the dark about the work involved.